Eagles was Trained to Caught Drones in Air!!! Random Facts

Eagles was Trained to Caught Drones in Air!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. In 1922 a movie was made and you can decide the ending of this movie according to you. This was 3D movie and the name of this movie is "The Power of Love" and this movie was designed is such a way that this movie has two ending, one is happy and other is sad and to change the ending you only need to wear 3D glasses and have to close one of the mirror of the glasses. This movies was a silent movie but this is lost now.

2. There is a organ in human body which can never sink in water and that organ is Lungs. Leaving lungs all the organs of human body sink in water and many people didn't know that lungs are larger as tennis court. If lungs should be open fully then it can over a whole tennis court.

3. Many people feels that their nose and ears seems to be larger and growing which is true, where all the other body parts stops growing with age, nose and ears still grew up with age and become larger.

4. Many people didn't knew that flies have much stamina that it can fly over Mount Everest as it can fie over 29,525 feet of sea level where the Mount Everest is only 29,028 feet high.

5. In the new generation, people use drones to follow any person because drones can fly much higher and it is not easy to catch it and same thing was happening in Netherland as many people was using drones to follow people but after knowing about this Netherland police take action on this and Police really trains Eagles to caught these drones in air.

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