The most important thing in everyone's life is attachment, attachment with other which can also be said as connection between you and other and with attachment one other thing also come which is detachment. Connecting with a person means you are attached with that person but what is the problem there that circumstance forms for detachment.
One thing which needs to understand is if you are attached with someone then it is complete attachment like the connection between mother and her child, there detachment can't form and also there is no need of detachment. Basically the attachment means love as you only connect or attach with that person only to whom you love but attachment and love is also different as in attachment you become self-centric which means that your attachment is out of your own insecurities, your own fears, your own complexities in which you try to find your benefit but if you are attached with someone with out of your care like a mother that mother never care for her life for her children and if you are attached with someone like that then it is love.
In today's life everyone is attached with other which means by name it is love but from depth both of the person try to find their benefits, it is not love till then when you or other person never care for their life. In love no one see any type of benefit for themselves but automatically a caring nature starts growing up. that love can be between anybody my be with your friends, your parents and with that person which you didn't like.
Attachment born out of selfish interest is always out of expectations as if you put all your expectation on your children then it is not a love, it is just a deal, it is a business and this become bad from both the sides as it create pressure on your children and also when that expectation not got completed then a type of anger will also form inside you. But if there is really a love between you and your children then al, the ways of correct decision will open for you and loved one also because own decision also are perfect decision. Love not gives any pressure, burden or force on someone but love gives independence and it become quite interest that you connect with someone but because of that connect you become independent. If you are still stuck in that what you have done for someone or what other have done for you then it is not a love it is just an attachment or in other words it is a deal in which you are tied up with someone.
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