The New Generation of Corona Virus!!! SARS-CoV-2

The New Generation of Corona Virus!!! SARS-CoV-2

Recently COVID-19 Vaccine was released but a new shocking news has came out that in UK a new strain has found of the Corona Virus as mutation has happened in virus and it is said that this is 70% more infectious than previous one. Due to this many countries has banned the flights like France, Belgium, Germany and Austria. But the question is that how dangerous is this new strain and will vaccine work on this new mutation.

On 14th December 2020 in UK it was announced that a new strain has found i.e. SARS-CoV-2 variant. In a week the daily number of COVID-19 cases in London get doubled and it was found that 60% of cases are from new strain and this new strain only happened because of mutation. Basically mutation is a things which happened at every time in every living organism on the Earth, in fact mutation is an essential thing and if it doesn't take place then evolution is impossible and simply mutation is a mistake happens in genes while copying genes by cells. Mutation can happen by many ways but mainly because of two reason, first is environmental reason i.e. heavy change in environment because of nuclear radiations and ultraviolet rays case mutation and second is reproduction as when a living organism reproduces then mutation happens. This biggest result of mutation is Evolution in Human Beings and in the world every evolution is because of mutation. But for majority of cases it is not beneficial as most of time it is disadvantage or useless.
Coming back on COVID-19, in viruses also there is same thing happens and in some viruses there is RNA instead of DNA and in SARS-CoV 2 there is also RNA and while reproduction viruses with RNA show more mutations and it is also very common. Genetic specialist of UK also said that in SARS-CoV 2, mutation take place once or twice in a month, globally and most of them are useless but the Mutation which found in UK has large number of changes and the big change which came out is change in spike protein of virus and generally these spikes tells about that how it affects the human cells and it is also said that with the change come in spikes it will bind more easily with human cells which make it more infectious.
According to Chief Medical Officer of England there is no evidence which proves that it is more dangerous and deadly than previous strain and it needs more research to find it. But according to the history whenever viruses mutate itself then it makes it more infectious but because less deadly. It is also said that the vaccines which are created for previous strain are also affective on this with the same rate but there are some scientists who are concerned about this as it can also mutate again which will become more effective.

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