Death of Single Person Leads to World War 1!!! Random Facts

Death of Single Person Leads to World War 1!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the person who was the main reason behind World War 1. He was the prince of Australia and in the month of June 1914 he was travelling in Bosnia. On 28 June 1914 he died and at that time he was in his car and the number of his car was A 111 118 which is same if it is compare to the date when World War 1 was ended i.e. on 11 November 1918.

2. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed which became a reason for World War 1 because Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the Prince of Austria-Hungary and he was killed by revolutionist of Bosnia and in these people there was a boy of 19 years who was citizen of Serbia and Serbia was also a big enemy of Ferdinand. After the Death of Ferdinand, people of Hungary decided to take revenge from Serbia and due to this they attack on Serbia and after this World War was started. With two countries many other countries also interfere in this due to which it become a big war.

3. Once Puma company did a very smart business move as on 1970 when there was finals of soccer world cup then they gave $120000 to a famous Brazilian football player Pele only for advertise Puma brand which was very realistic advertisement in which when Pele have to enter in the ground before match then he have to tie laces of his shoes due to which everyone will focus on his shoes as camera focus on it. After this a huge boost was seen in Puma company.

4. In 1973 Mao Zedong who was dictator of China at that time thought that, to increase the population of America, he can sent 10 Million girls to America and he said this to Henry Kissinger during a personal meeting. This all was revealed by Henry after many years in a book written by him and Mao Zedong said him that China is a poor country and by send 10 Million girls to America, China will stands from economy and population of China will also reduce and his thought was that after few years they can also rule over America with the help of Chinese girls and their Children there.

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