The Secrets of Different Languages!!! Random Facts

The Secrets of Different Languages!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. There is a fruit Pineapple and in English language it is called as Pineapple but leaving English language, in the world  in every major language it is called as "Ananas" like in Arabic, French, Dutch, Italian, Russian and Indian language. 

2. A common person who knew English language, he/she knew about just about 30,000 words but in the world, in every 2 hours a new word is introduced in English language. For example before 2019 no one knew about COVID-19 but after 2019, COVID became a word in English language. In a years around 4000 new words are added in the English language.

3. Many people didn't know that India has become first country in the world having largest English speaking population and India even cross over the United States in this as according to a report English speakers in US are around 331,002,651 and in India there are around 1,380,004,385 English speakers.

4. There is an Island, Canarias where people talks to each other and understand each other by whistling as they communicate with each other by whistling and this unique language is known as Silbo Gomero and in the world there are only about 20,000 people who use this language in conversation.

5. Russian was the first language which was spoken in space means out of the Earth because the first person who went to the space was from Russia and every astronaut who went to space always knew or have to know Russian language because the manuals and equipment of International Space Station are always in Russian Language.

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