You many new about the words Communism, Capitalism, Socialism and Liberalism but many people didn't know about how it affect our life.
In a simple line the meaning of Communism is " From each according to his ability, To each according to his needs" which means a society in which a person do work according to his ability and contribute in society in different ways and a society in which a person get things according to needs. Basically communism is a society or a way to structure people in which there is no need of money i.e. money less society, a state less society and a class less society and a society in which means of production like land, fields, industries, factories are operate and owned by labours. Communism always create a picture in mind of Karl Marx, Soviet Union and China but actually the foundational ideas of Communism are around thousands of years old and throughout the human history there are many examples of this like 10,000 years ago humans live in Hunter Gatherer lifestyle and that is consider as primitive form of Communism as there was no concept of money, country, most probably there was no concept of class and also there was no private ownership.
According to today's definition of Communism, Karl Marx is consider as Father of Communism who was a German philosopher and wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848. He grew up in that period which there was starting of industrial revolution and the worker who work in these industries and factories were poor and the owner of such industries were rich, who exploit their worker as they take work for them for long hours with very less wages and all the profit was consumed by owners. So basically according to Carl Marx there are two classes one is Bourgeoisie i.e. of rich owners and second is Proletarian i.e. of poor workers who work for small wages and for solution of the problem Carl Marx imagined a society or Utopia in which there will be no different between rich and poor and he named this Communism and in The Communist Manifesto he wrote details that how we can achieve Communism as he said the worker together can overthrow the Monarchy and can make society in which people owns means of production and there will be no discrimination and there will be even distribution of wealth, there will be free health care, free education as everything will own by everyone. All these things are very idealistic but at the end of the day all these are theoretical and Carl Marx was only a philosopher and he didn't saw the practical implementation.
Practical implementation was majorly seen after Russian Revolution in 1917 as Russian worker together overthrow the Monarch Czar Nicholas and the leader of workers, Lenin firstly implemented the ideas of Communism on a big scale. Vladimir Lenin took many revolutionary steps in his time like the human rights of workers were recognised, working week was limited for 8 hours per day and 5 days a week, girls was introduced to education, for farming lands were snatched from rich landowners and redistributed in farmers, factories were nationalized but this was the only point which doesn't follow the original Communism which was written in The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx.
Now if such big step is taken in big country then it is not possible that every person agree with that but Lenin thought that what he is doing is right and he didn't tolerate criticism for which he banned all the other political parties and established a one party state as a state in which criticism is not allowed and at that time a secret police spy on people that if anyone criticise Communism then they will arrest that person. This Marxist- Leninist political structure is called as Soviet Communism and today mostly people associate Communism with this Soviet Communism but obviously not very Communist agree with this Soviet Communism like there was a famous Communist Rosa Luxemburg who was completely opposite of Leninism as she supports Libertarian Marxism in which people have freedom of speech.
In 1924, Vladimir Lenin died and after that Joseph Stalin came who implement his own ideas which even more destructive than Lenin and that communism ideology of Stalin went so far from the ideology of Carl Marx as he take more work from worker only to increase output of factories and workers again reached to that state about which Carl Marx mentioned in his book The Communist Manifesto and that was Proletarian but the only difference was the owners were not the rich people but was government.
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