In every person there is a type of curiosity of knowing things or gaining knowledge. Every person want to know about everything but with time, you tend to believe that you knew everything and basically this happen when you stop to learning but if you understand that the actually knowledge is not just knowing things or feeding thing in brain around you, in books, on internet and everywhere, knowledge is not just about giving the answer of any question but its about questioning the answer itself, that is real learning.
Gaining actual knowledge is an art and when that art exist in you then you didn't only see one side of any situation but at any given point of see you can see every aspect of that situation which means you can see multiple sides of any particular situation which makes that thing interesting as because of that you didn't get any clear cut answer and that is real learning. You starts understanding the limitation of your knowledge. The first thing to gaining any type of knowledge is to know yourself , to learn or read yourself. There are many people who knew many things but shows that they knew everything which is not a truth and in reality those people are fools because actual knowledge in knowing about yourself and when you knew about yourself fully then it makes a full stop on your life.
Your knowledge is actually your thoughts i.e. how you think and everyone thinks in different way but the thing which anyone can do is going to depth of mind which elaborates your thoughts. Basically going to the depth of mind is to question for your every thought, observing the things which runs in your mind and knowing the feeling which grew with that thought. This is all about know your mind and on a base if you think about this then is your thoughts are separate from your mind and is your mind is separate from your body and is your thoughts are separate from your life and if you take all together then you will find that your existence is your thought and questioning your thought is about questioning to your existence.
This all is very simple but our mind is become much complex as we forget to think in simplest way and it is much complex that you are unable to find a relation between your life and this universe. Our mind always try to find separation between everything which all creates clashes.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing,
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