Do You Know
1. In the Hollywood movies, you always see a logo Columbia Pictures in which there is a lady holding light. The lady in the logo was 28 years old Jenny Joseph who did modelling for this logo and the amazing this is that she never did modelling before this and after this also and actually she was a writer.
2. There is a man from Germany whose name is Marc Wubbenhorst and he drink about 20 litres of water daily and if he didn't drink 20 litres of water in a day then he can also die and also because of this he only sleep for 2 hours because he have to drink water at particular time. Actually he had a weird disease as his kidneys are unable to store water for long time as he have to go to toilet after 5-7 minutes of drinking water. In the other frame he can also die by drinking much of water because more water increases the level of sodium in blood but he had managed his life with water.
3. Luke Aikins did a very amazing and weird thing and create a history in 2016 as he dives from 25,000 ft from the ground in air with any parachute and wing suit and he fall on a net which was fixed before but this was not the thing of minutes as he planned all this for 2 years.
4. Felix Batista was the person who was Anti Kidnapping Expert in Mexico which means he went to schools and give lectures and teach students for how they can avoid kidnapping but once in 2008 he was kidnapped by a gang in Mexico and Felix was American and serving in Mexico. After some time kidnappers leave him but the weird thing was that the person was teach everyone for avoiding kidnapping, himself got kidnapped.
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