Do You Know
1. Like human choose different food to eat. as same mosquitoes also choose their food which is human's blood according to their choice. For example if a mosquito have four options as there are four persons then mosquito will choose that person who is more beautiful among all of them and it is researched that mosquitoes more likes to suck blood of a girl with blonde hairs and this is unexplainable. But in the competition of girl if there is a child then mosquitoes will ignore the girl this is because respiratory system of children work much faster due to which blood in the body of children also flow faster which attracts mosquitoes.
2. In 1348 the Black Death Plague was fully spread in the Europe and especially in England it was found more dangerous due to which England get weaker by economically and politically and to take advantage of this weakness. the army of Scotland come to England for war but it was found disadvantage for them and they also lose half of their population as army of Scotland also got Black Death Plague.
3. Once NASA reveals a shocking news and that news was, NASA has found water on Mars but when people and officials ask for evidence then NASA show a picture in which there was a Mars chocolate on which glass full of water was placed. Actually the day when NASA reveals this new was 1st April 2005, April fool day.
4. Once Chinese scientist took snakes in observation and one day in this observation all the snakes starts doing unusual things. This mysterious behaviour of snakes was much different and scientists also doesn't understand this but after two weeks a danger earthquake occur there. Due to this it was found that snakes have some powers with which they can understand the things or mis-happens very early. Snakes can identify any type of earthquake from around 120 km far before 7 to 10 days.
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