Socrates was a philosopher and he had a wonderful deep thought process. Understanding the thought process of Socrates means achieving rules of life which can be understand by quotes which he said.
Socrates once said that "The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing" which means that in the world the most intelligent person is that person who knows that he know nothing and this can only be said by those people who had observed the universe and themselves very deeply. Mostly people have an illusion that they knew everything but the reality is that they are also a part of this universe in decimals about which they didn't know. To understand this you need a real wisdom. The people who knew everything are not intelligent people but the intelligent people are those who questions every knowledge. Knowledge is just a standpoint and when you change your standpoint everything will change fir example if you think that is eyes is to see the world or the world is for eyes or the ears is for sound or sound is for ears, this tells about knowledge is just a standpoint and if you go deep in this then you can find that the ground of all the knowledge you have is you as if you are alive then everything is exist. Everything is because of I am but if you question this I am then you will realise that is you know anything about you, what is you in your life, what is you in your body.
The reality is that there is no wall between you and universe as you are the universe, then can you understand this whole universe??? You can never know the whole, you can never experience the whole but you are the whole. Whatever you know about yourself, about others or about this universe is all wrong because you know about that by breaking everything but the reality is that everything is connected whether you can see that or not. Everything is interconnected and interdependent. If you can't experience the whole universe the you can't know about that and if you can't know the whole universe then whatever you know is not whole.
One another quote which he said that " I know you won't believe me, but the highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others" which simply means that human excellence is to question because questioning makes you perfect which correct you for every point.
He also said that "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting old, nut on building the new" as in our mind patterns forms which is know as habits and in these habit there are some which we don't like but we have that one also and in this quote it is saying that don't fight with those patterns as it get stronger but instead of that you have to form new patterns. Don't try to change your old thinking, create new one.
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