Exploring the Thought of Leonardo Da Vinci

Exploring the Thought of Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest artist of all time, in fact if you understand his life deeply then you will find that he was great artist, who was passionate about science. He achieved many things in different fields as an artist, as an inventor, as an engineer, as an architect but he is famous for his painting, Monalisa. This painting is also consider as mysterious painting which is also because of his mentality as he made such things in this painting which seems to be mysterious. The mentality of Leonardo Da Vinci can be understand by his quotation. 

Once he said that "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" which tells about that we can make anything complex and better but to make it simple and better is ultimate thing. Defining the philosophy of Leonardo Da Vinci in one line then that is to make things simple which are extremely complex in backend as actually that thing is too much complex but seems to be simple become a tough task and to achieve this simplicity, you need to have a great deal of intelligence. Albert Einstein also said that "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" as simplicity is one of a greatest challenge in life.

He also said that "Learn how to see, realise that everything connects to everything else" which tells about to clear the vision to see the world and learn. Learning is not only just to open eyes and seeing the things but actually observing things is actually learning because it helps to relate that thing with our life and things happened in our life.

Another quote by Leonardo Da Vinci is "Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art" as any type of art have creator of it and when the separation between these two destroys then only thing which leave behind is art and that art is consider as masterpiece, which is real art. Considering your art as art is not real art but considering your art as yourself is the real art. 

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