In childhood, every person is happy even in small things but as we get older it seems that happiness is decreasing. This is because of thought process and 90% people have this thought process as you think that you have much responsibilities but the thing is that you are only focusing on your output which is success but you are not focusing on your work. In childhood you never think about output, when you play in childhood you never think about what output will come from this but now you are running behind your success, you are only thinking about output and you have forget about your life.
You can't make your recent life like your childhood because output is also important for you, success is also important for you but you can make your success like your childhood which means making success like a game as comparing it with childhood your success in that game which you play ever and you win it or lose it you don't care but you only know about play. Success is same as you can't win it every time, there are many turns come in your life at which you defeat but loosing hope or leaving game is not the solution.
There are millions of people in the world who are not happy with their life as all of them have stuck in success and life, they had failed to achieve their goal due to which most of them had also lost their hope and because of this their life is filled up with sadness and their happiness is decreased ad the biggest reason behind this they had killed that child inside them, in their life there no game and even the game which they played in their childhood they have also stopped to play and not even with those people but this is happened with every person and also you can't restart it as you didn't have much time to play that game because of growing responsibilities but the only thing with you can do is to turn your life to that childhood game which you life most. Dodging the problems of your life like that obstacles in that game and with this you will also got success very easily as you had played that game many times than you have face the problems in your life. Comparing every part of your life with your problems is like experience that problem and the thing which is you have experience, you know about it very much.
Taking life like a game which you have played very much, makes your life more sorted.
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