In all this issue the demand of boycott of France products was started and this was leading by the president of Turkey, Erdogan and by entering Erdogan in this issue also create a political game. Erdogan said that Emmanuel Macron is running an anti-Islamic agenda and he also needs a mental heath check-up and he is also doing fascist in real sense. This is very ironic thing as Erdogan himself is running dictatorship in Turkey and if someone even go against of him then that person is sent into the jail. In Fact, Turkey is at first place in which most of the journalists are prisoners.
From Jordan, Kuwait and Qatar many incidents come out in which traders remove French products from the shelfs in the shop. Also Qatar university cancelled the French culture week and also many protests was done in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan also said that Macron is encouraging the anti-Muslims sentiments.
Also there is a Hypocrisy by the leaders of such countries because all of them flares up only because of a cartoon by Charlie Hebdo and also starts boycott French products but where actually the rise of voice for Muslims is needed i.e. in China where genocide of Muslims minority is being carried out, there none of the leaders rise voice for Muslim minority. This is also because such countries have good relationships with China especially Pakistan.
Overall the whole issue come on only one thing which is Blasphemy as for Islamic countries Blasphemy is very big thing and in most Islamic countries there is death penalty of Blasphemy and on the other hand for France allowing Blasphemy is very big thing because France promote freedom of speech at much extent. This also become a big cultural difference which clashes when people from different countries move to different country like France.
In France there are more than 5 Millions of Muslim citizens which is 9% of total population of France and when due to such type of things like Blasphemy, attacks happened then lives of these people become more difficult as every other people see these as a suspect. With the same reason also from the other side attack was done on Muslims, on 22 October 2020 two French women stabbed two ladies from Arab. As a result because of this cultural clashed, people going far from each other.
The people who are against of Blasphemy have very simple arguments like there is no need to defame any religion or religious thing, live happily, peacefully without any conflict but those who argue in favour of Blasphemy have very complex arguments. First is laws for Blasphemy are very inconsistent and subjective and it is also impossible to make law of Blasphemy to the point because every time the frame of references of people changes at every point. Second is without insulting any religion the progress is impossible because many religion take criticism as an insult. Third is the countries in which there is Blasphemy law, there the communal violence and mob violence is more. Fourth in many countries Blasphemy law is also used as excuse for torturing the minorities.
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