Do You Know
1. If a person want to make driving license then that person have to give test of driving also have to give photos which is placed on the driver's license but what if person got driving license with the photo of any other thing. This is happened with an American girl who renewed her driving license and he got driving license with the photo of a blank chair.
3. A tourist from France which came in Italy and he was caught when he was putting sand in his bag from the Island of Italy and for this he had pay $1172 as fine. It is said that the beaches of Italy is very much protected and also sand their and in 2017 Italy pass a rule according to which no one can take sand from the beaches of Italy and if any do that then that person have to pay fine. Not only in Italy but any person take sand from the Hawaii then it have fine of $100,000.
4. During World War 2 to increase the security and morale of soldiers, soldier had to take performance enhancing drugs. In 1940s the government of Germany gave drug of Pervitin to their soldiers due which the German army become more stronger as it helps to make alertness in the person and not only this but many other drugs were also gave to them due to which they fight without any fear and food for many days.
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