Pablo Escobar make a Real Unicorn for his Daughter!!! Random Facts

Pablo Escobar make a Real Unicorn for his Daughter!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. Jose Mujica was the president of Urugauay from 2010 to 2015 which is a South American country and this man is the poorest president in the world because he donates his 90-95% of income to the charity and there is also a reason behind this that when he was 5 years old then his father died in a depression because he was a farmer and he take too much loan and this settled in the mind of Mujica due to which he donates his income so that no one other will die like his father.

2. In that period when mercury was not yet discovered, if a person got fever then Brandy was used to check the fever of a person but after 1500 BC mercury was used as to check the fever.

3. Sword Billed Hummingbird is bird and this bird have a beak which is too long, too long means it is longer than the body of that bird due to which this bird is consider with sword.

4. You may hear about the most longest movie or a web series but you may not know the most longest advertisement which is an advertisement of a deodorant and this advertisement is 14 hours longer and this was run in Brazil on 8 December 2018 and it was run from 6 am to 8 pm.

5. According to the history of America the world's first bank robbery was happened on 13 February 1886 which was of $162,821 and those robbers was also got caught because those robbers come to that bank again to deposit that money.

6. When CN Annadurai was died in 1969 who was chief minister of Tamil Nadu in India then the people come in crowd on his funeral in such a way that it become the world's largest gather on someone's death and this gathering was like 1.5 Million people was gathered there and this is a record till now.

7. Once when the daughter of Pablo Escobar make demand of real unicorn from him, which never exists in this world but he was Pablo and he did that as he buy a horse and make operate on it to put a horn and wings on it and with operation he also put wings on the body of the horse but with infection that horse died but if that operation got success then he will also put horn on the head of horse.

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