Living in Present Moment of LIfe!!!

Living in Present Moment of LIfe!!!

Some years ago I was with my family and we all three, me, my wife and my 1.5 years old daughter were eating food. Suddenly I opened my mouth in front of my daughter in which there was chewed food and it is very creepy to see it but when my daughter see it then she start smiling, I closed my mouth and opened again then she starts laughing but when I said to my wife that to see inside the chewed food inside my mouth then she got irritated which was obvious. But what was difference between that 1.5 year old child and young mature lady. The difference was of ego, that "I" which has grown up in everybody's mind due to past your past experiences, the things which has settled in your mind from your childhood, the story which has created by you in your mind and you are connected with your story it is that "I" which didn't let you to enjoy your life, all the fears in your mind is due to this. You are stuck in good and bad, right and wrong but if you got free from all these things for sometime means if you got free from your past for sometime then automatically your future will also destroy because past creates the future as you didn't even know that you are human if it is not taught to you in past, human just become random alphabets for you and because of this it also become unknown for you in future.

Now if at this moment your past will destroy then your future will also destroy then the only thing which will leave to you is your present and your present is also you. Because of your past experiences you have created your present that what you was and what you have to become in future which creates "I" but in reality you are none of these, there is information stored in hardisk which is past and it is truth that it is your information but it is not you, you are the one who can see that information. This all means that you can't be anywhere at this moment because at this moment your are in present and no only at this moment but every moment you are in present. If you leave all the other things like past, future, thoughts, ego, I everything except present then you will live in real presence and you will also realise your presence in this world and in your life. When you started to deepening this experience then it become effortless to you and also it is not an effort for you to live in present but sometimes it become effort when someone's present in worst phase of life then that person have to live with his future and past but this will not give anything to that person and instead of this experiencing the present will give a value for future and help to forget the past.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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