Freedom from Stress and Pressure!!!

Freedom from Stress and Pressure!!!

Energy continuously flows out of you and there is no way to stop it, for example there is a switch of bulb which can be on or off and it can be controlled by anyone as if it is on then the bulb will glow and if it is off then bulb will not glow, similarly your life is light which is switched by others as you works on the principles of people, you are in under control of someone which is a one way to live life and the other is just like sun and you didn't have to become sun because you are the sun but it depends on yourself that you consider it or not. 

If you consider yourself sun then there is no need to show off, you are shining and your will continuously shine, your energy will never end because it is not in anyone's control, people will notice you when your time come because sun is not even noticed at night. There is unlimited energy in you, there is unlimited potential in you and there are infinite possibilities but only at the level of your thinking and thoughts you become a bulb. As a kid everyone has energy in bulk at extreme level but what happened now??? Now you are covered with things like stress, depression, pressure, anxiety etc which is like clouds over sun and if you have energy in this situation then it is a negative energy so you have to find that sun in you, you have to that kid in you who is free from stress, pressure, anxiety, depression etc. Whenever you are in stress, pressure, depression  etc then your energy get reduce and when you are in out from this then your energy increases which is switching at your energy in depending on actions but what if all these things get extinct from your life as you never know that things like stress, anxiety and all this even exists then your energy will never reduce as it will ever be maintained.
Now the thing is that how to come out from these things???
Basically you are in stress, pressure, depression only when you make a threshold and you are unable to achieve it, when you want something and you are unable to achieve it and this is all because of money, so firstly you should have much money that you didn't care for your survival which is a basic need of life and at the other level when you are in stress and depression when you compare yourself with others as when you do then a type of pressure got create on you but if you want to move ahead, if you want to be successful then there is no need to compare yourself with others because you are you the things what are in you are not in others. 
Never let others to control your life because you are the only one who know you much better is you yourself.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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