In the First part of this which was "How Banks are Fraud and its Starting!!!" there were many thing and also in this part there are many things related to that so see that part firstly.
Moving to the next then suppose of you have $10,000 and you had deposit it in bank and you can see that amount in passbook, now when money get increases then Inflation rises and in the bank in which you have put your $10,000 that bank give $5,000 of loan to another person and now that person also have $5,000 and in the bank you also have $10,000 as even having only $10,000 in the bank, bank created $5,000 more due to which total amount which was created is $15,000. Now the person who take the loan buy a bike with that $5,000 and gave that money to the seller and that seller also deposit that money in another bank and now that another bank also have right to give loan to the people and that bank gave loan of $4,000 from that $5,000 due to which the total amount in the market become $19,000 and this all happened because banks came in the middle as $19,000 formed from $10,000 in just two three steps but in actual the amount which should have in market be $10,000. So in this ways when money supply in market get increases then it become is reason of Inflation in market and because of this bank tries to sell their credit cards more and more as it become on the go loan taking service due to which all the profit went to the banks.
In this way banks make profits and money circulation is moving and not only one bank do this but all the banks in the world work with the same process and create that money which is actually not there. But there is also a problem in it for which you have to understand an example, suppose in a village there are four people and there is one person who sell wheat and he only have 1 Kg of wheat and all the four people have $10 and all the four want that 1 Kg of wheat, with this way the market rate of 1 Kg of wheat become $10 because all of them are ready to give $10 for that amount of wheat but from those four people one got another $10 whether he take loan of $10 and now he have more money than other three people and he is also ready to give $20 for that amount of wheat due which he will buy that wheat and with this the amount of wheat whose rate was only $10 but with the increase in money its rate changes to $20 due to which it become a market rate as the people who can buy 1 Kg of wheat with $10, now they can also buy half Kg of Wheat and only with increase of $10, it affect in the market. You may also hear from your grandparent that the salary which they got at their time was much lesser than the salary which today people get for the same job this is all due to money supply and inflation.
Many people also thought that why government not print more and more money due to which the country become rich, so this happened in the history as once Zimbabwe print much money for their country and distribute that money to the people due to which every person in the country become rich and every person reach to buy everything but due to money supply the rate of things also get increases after which there is also need a full bag of money to buy only a chocolate. This was also said by many people whenever the banks exist the inflation will increase rapidly because this system was formed only because of this.
The family who started this Rothschild family also want that people remained their slaves as with the increase of inflation in market people always get stuck in this because due to this people didn't even have time to thing about this properly.
You get that how bank makes money only by giving loan to the people and due to which how inflation increases but bank not only make money by giving loans, banks have many ways to make money with the money of the people as banks invest our money on different things from which banks also makes money. Banks invest their money to those things from which they got more money and rapidly like FMC which is Fast Moving Consumer goods which we use daily and these thing make money very easily and rapidly because no one think much before purchasing these things because these things are regular needs of people and banks invest on these things from which they got their return very early and easily. Apart from this big banks in the world invest their money on those companies which make armours in which there are 5 top companies from America and in the topmost company there is share of Rothschild about 32% and in other companies there is about 11-15% of share of Rothschild. In January 2018 America attacks of Syria with 60 Missiles and these missiles were made one of those top 5 companies in which there is 2% of share of Donald Trump and there is about 13% of share of Rothschild in this company and with this war they both had made much money and not only both but banks also make much money from this. In this way banks invest money of the people and make much from from that.
Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.