What is the Meaning of Those Photos!!!- The Next Catastrophe

What is the Meaning of Those Photos!!!- The Next Catastrophe

The Economist Magazine, it is said that this magazine predicts future which also come true like in the end of 2019 a magazine was launched which was year magazine by The Economist, in which it was predicted about pandemic which also come true. A weekly magazine is also launched by The Economist and on 27th of June 2020 a weekly magazine was also launched and its name was "The Next Catastrophe ( and how to survive it)".

Basically the cover pages of these magazines predicts many things and on the cover page of "The Next Catastrophe ( and how to survive it)" by The Economist is same like that as it also predicts many thing from which many things had also come true. On the cover page of this magazine there are photos in frames and many other things. The name of the magazine is The Next Catastrophe which means next destruction so the photos may be connected with the destruction.
On the left side of the cover page of this magazine there is a picture of a pig and once a very large experiment was done on the pigs which wad done by the foundation of Bill Gates in which they found that how a virus spread by pigs and how much rapidly that virus spread from pigs to humans, so may be they will do more experiments on the pigs for this.
Next to the picture of pig there is a picture of volcano which is erupting which simply means that the volcano may be burst and in Tokyo of Japan there is also an volcano which is covered with snow from many years and Tokyo because in the yearly magazine of Economist there is also a name of Tokyo. And also in 2020 almost 55 volcanoes had erupted.

In the next picture there is a penguin which is on the small piece of ice and there is a sun upraised. As the penguin lives in snow but this picture tells about global warming because in the area which should have full covered with ice it have on small piece of ice and in that area the sun if full upraised. There is a glacier that was supposed to melt in 2022 but it has melted in 2020.
In the next picture there is an asteroid which is colliding with Earth and you may also know that many asteroids had also passed from the near of Earth but none of them collide with Earth and this could may be happen in future.
Next to this picture there is not an picture but there are three birds and from these three two are moving straight but one move toward downwards which means that one bird is loosing its way. When birds fly then these birds fly collectively as they flies in a field which may also be compared as magnetic field but if any change come in the nature then this field breaks due to which many birds deflected from their crowd. And the main cause of this may be 5G. With this thre is another picture connect which is in the last of this magazine in which there is a Sun from which fires come out and you also know that they types of fires always happen in the sun due to which it makes light and heat but if it is done in the excess then it can also crack the magnetic field of Earth due to which satellites will disturb from their places and the climate of Earth will also change.
In the next picture there are different types of bacteria and this pictures tells about that with the coming time many bacteria will come.
In the next picture there is a smoke which form this shape after the blast or a nuclear blast and the same blast was happened in Beirut, Lebanon which seems same like this picture.

On the cover page of this magazine is the family sitting on the couch and the parents of the child had wear masks which is used to protect from harmful gases and the same masks is wear by cat which simply tells that with the coming time the air may become more polluted or harmful that it become harmful for animals also. But the child didn't wear mask and it doesn't means that the immune system of children is strong but it means that children are already safe because they will stay at home. That child had wear a helmet of army and in the top of this magazine there is written that "Fortnite as an Olympic sport" and Olympics with was held on this year was cancelled but a game will create which compete with Olympics which may also be compared with Fortnite or PubG.
In the last there is an Clock on the top of this Magazine's front page and in the clock it is showed that there are very less seconds left for 12 and same type of clock was once made by scientists and the name of this clock is Doomsday Clock and this clock is in this magazine because this clock tell about upcoming destruction and in this years this clock come to very close to 12 and it also comes back with the circumstances but this year come to much close from the last 75 years.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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