Do You Know
1. In a Study it was found that, most blackmail victims in the world are men and that is only by women. The women uses their essential power which is emotional blackmail, and only because of emotional blackmail by women most of men goes into depression.
2. The world of Mobile Phone is very strange, when you see any Sony mobile in any advertisement or any picture of Sony mobile whether it is on google, then always on the screen the timing always be 10:35, on the Xiaomi mobiles timing is 8:16 and on the Samsung mobile timing is 12:45 and also on iPhone the timing is 9:41. Different brands has choose different time for their mobile but on the OnePlus mobile there is no timing in the advertisement, there is always written NEVER SETTLE.
3. In the human body there is average 4.5 to 5.5 litre of blood and without blood it is impossible to live. Mosquitoes mostly suck the blood of those person who have O Blood group. If 1,000,000 of mosquitoes suck the blood of any person at a time then they can suck all the blood from body in just seconds.
4. Taiwan is the country in which if any person dies then with that person, the money of that person is always fired with that person and behind this there is a belief that if that person take new birth then that person should have money but the notes of money which is fired with that person is not original.
5. Most of people thought that we can see only seven colours with our eyes but in actual we can see only three colours which is green, red and blue and all the other colours are formed only with these three and with this we can identify over 10 Million of colours.
6. In English language the word MADAM is that word if it is written from last letter to first letter then it always remain MADAM and same MALAYALAM is also sound same if it is written from last letter to first letter.
7. Once Florida police arrest a student from school when he was attending his class and he was arrested only because he use to fart a lot in class but the ashamed this is that, the police arrest him like a terrorist.
8. In a study it is found that the Monday is that day on which the risk of heart attack is more than normal days. In study from Scotland it was found that 20% of people who died with heart attack is only on Monday.
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