Once a Plane Fired on Itself and Dog was the Reason of War!!! Random Facts

Once a Plane Fired on Itself and Dog was the Reason of War!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. Paul Erdos who was Hungarian and his brain was extremely sharp as in the age of only 4 years, if someone ask him the age of any dead person then he can calculate in mind that how many seconds that person live in full life.

2. If you want to reach to the moon by driving a car, so with the speed of  95 km/h it can take almost 6 month to reach to the moon. And if you go there by walking then you can reach there in 9.5 years.

3. Many people have a thought process of negativity and because of this they always stay disturbed. But there is a trick to come out from this. If negative thought come in your mind then you have to write it on paper and throw it to dustbin and this works also.

4. A child Jordan who lives in Uganda and he was only 6 years old when his father lost their property by legal dispute and after 23 years that child become lawyer and his first case was the property of his father and he won that case.

5. Once a man won the lottery of $158 Million but when that man went to claim his prize then put mask on his face and it was only because that he didn't want that his relatives and friends ask him about his money and till today no one know who was he and on the lottery his name was written as A. Campbell.

6. At one time Bangladesh orders coins from India only to make blades, 6 Blades were made with Indian coin of five Rupee and cost of each blades was 2 Taka of Bangladesh and with this scenerio Indian government changes the formation of coins.

7. Once a war was fight between Greece and Bulgaria only because dog of Greece was crossed the border. Actually a soldier of Greece had a dog and that dog crossed the border and to catch him that soldiers also crossed the border and at the same time Bulgarian Soldiers started firing.

8. In 1953 a fighter plane fired on itself, this weird because if it plane fires then how can the firing come to it but actually this was happen as the speed of fighter plane was more than the speed of fires and when plane starts fire then the plane move ahead of the fires due to which the fires was hit with the plane.




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