Do You Know
There was a time when people were killed without any reason and at that time many punishment were created to punish people of that time. The Punishment that they had created are very dangerous whether today these punishment are not in use but these punishments was very deadly and people who saw that punishment was also got scared.
1. There was a punishment that was more dangerous than setting a person on fire because person suffer more in this punishment. In this punishment person should have to sit on the huge pan and it was fired from bottom due to which the person's body suffers and to make this punishment more dangerous many time salt, sand, and stones were are threw on that person due to which skin burned out badly. And this punishment become is more dangerous because the person saw its death in front.
2. Many time people also got punished by killing them under the foot of Elephant and this was also very dangerous and this punishment was mostly given by Britishers in India and was very famous in Asia. In this punishment person was tied up full with rope and was threw in the front of wild elephant and that elephant have to walk on them due to which person's bones come out from the body and many times only head of the person was throttled under the foot of Elephant.
3. The most tortured punishment of the all time is Death Coffin and this punishment was also given till 20th century. In this punishment there was a box and its size was almost 3x4ft and in this box person was locked out and in this box neither person can sit and nor can straight the body as the person was halfly stuck in this. in this box there was a 6 inch of hole for person to see outside.
4. The torture of Blood Eagle was also very dangerous and this punishment was moslty given in the 17th and 18th century. this punishment was created by king when he attack on England and was firstly it was used on the king of England and many people say it a false because this punishment is very weird and different. In this punishment the person's hand and foots are tied up with rope and after which from the head and toe and deep cut is given on the back of that person and the bone of chest was separated back bone of the person due to which it shapes like Eagle. After this a salt water was threw up on him and person was tied up in the public.
5. Flaying was a punishment which was very common but in animals as the animals are roasted by removing the upper layer of their skin same as the upper layer of person was removed but it was all done in front of that person but after this all the person also suffer for three two four days. After removing the upper layer of the skin of that person it was hanged in the pubic and there bird also attack on that person.
6. Colombian Necktie was a torture, the tongue we have in our mouth, it have length of 15 cm from neck and this length was used in this torture and this punishment was given to the prisoners of the civil war which was happening in that time. In this punishment a deep cut was given on the neck of the person and from there tongue was pulled out due to which that person die with pain and that tongue hang in the neck of that person like a tie.
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