When we do something by going against of other people and our parents and we take our own decision without caring for other people who are trying to stop us and we fail in that then we always remember our that failure and if it is not in our mind then other people will remind us. And after that when we try some other thing with our own decision then we always remember our that failure which forces us not to do something new. At that situation our failure attack on us from both sides from inside and outside and at some extent we can also handle outside attack but we can't handle our inside attacks. If you watch a movie or achieve something then will forget it for some time but you can't forget that. Then here, your opposition in your life is not any other but you are yourself and with this the question arise that how can you save yourself from yourself???
Self Reflection which is in everyone's life and it should also have because your life is not about to fight with others but the meaning of your life is how can you defeat yourself which means controlling yourself as if once you face yourself then it is not hard to face the outside world. Basically there is no attack on you from the outside world because if someone say you bad words then ultimately it is your choice that those words affect you or not. If you make a shield to protect yourself with your ego then that shield is not much stronger because ego hurts everytime but if you make a shield with your intelligence then that shield become more stronger because no one can found that how you think about about what you think.
We always make mistakes in that thing about which we didn't know perfectly as if you know something perfectly then none of mistake you will do like if you know how to drive car then there are no chance of accident leaving some external factors. Same as if you know how to do that work then you will do it well but if you didn't know then you will mistake for several times but you will become perfect in that after those mistakes if you observe those mistakes. Perfection always take time, nobody become perfect from childhood, when you experience you life and you learn from those experiences then you will become perfect and this also because if you try to do something different as if you will not do anything in your life then there should be less experiences in your life. To become perfect you always need to explore your life. You have to accept all your mistakes and if you do that then you will able to correct it as if you always thought that your are perfect and you didn't do any mistake then you are already perfect but you are perfect only for yourself not for others. Learning from mistakes is very first path to become perfect. Never fear to do mistakes because if you do mistakes then the path of perfection will open as if you not put you foot on first step of stair then how ill you reach to the last step but making the proud of reaching to the first step is not an achievement because there are hundreds of step in front of you.
When you always feel sad because of your mistakes then it is a time to learn from it as the mistake you have did, you will not do it again and if you o it again then you are a fool. The first thing is that if you do a mistake in your life then it is not a mistake but if you do it again then it is a mistake. There is 50% of probability in right and wrong whatever you did but it can't be always, changing the probability of right and wrong is in your hands.
Continued to Part 2.