Focus on Journey and Distraction!!!!

Focus on Journey and Distraction!!!!

When you observe people at the metro station, you will find most of them dazed in the morning when they are going to work and if you see them coming back, you will find them happy which is exactly like on Saturday, students are very happy because on the next day Sunday is a holiday, but when Sunday comes, all the students are also dazed because the next day is a working day. This is experienced by everyone but what if our full life run like that as we go to jail in morning and come from jail at evening whether it is useful for us but in reality it is a jail. More than 90% of people have a life like that as going to jail at morning and coming at evening. But do you want this kind of life which is like a loop and you are running in this loop or you want that kind of life in which you are happy whether it is morning, evening, Saturday or Sunday always you feel happy. Obviously you want second kind of life and not you but everyone want this kind of life in which there is only enjoyment but how many people around you have got this kind of life.

There are very less people who got a life or who made their life in which they are joyous but by the very less people it doesn't means that you can't make that kind of life, the actual thing is that they had invested their understanding or their thinking in right ways and they have also choose right way because of their understanding. Now one thing is that nobody is perfect in this world and those person who had made their life joyous are also not perfect but they choose the right path and in choosing that path thy have also faced many problems but the biggest thing is that how they didn't get distracted??? Because if anyone got distract from its path then it become very difficult to regain original strength.
This is also a problem of many that they have start their life in right path but they can't become continuous in that and many left their journey in middle. For example you have thought that you have to go for walk and you also go to walk for 4 days but after that you stop because you didn't find happiness in that and you got distracted. But if you stay in journey and move on your path continuously then you will also got result but it take small change which can change you full life. But it doesn't means that you will overcome your distraction by move forward in journey but distraction will start in journey and it can only overcome by you, your thinking. Distraction only happen when you attract toward something else but what if you attract to your own journey then your distraction will become your attraction which is your journey but this can only be done by you, no one can change your mind if your mind is in your control. 
If you connect you small achievement with big celebrations then you will become an amazing achiever.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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