Exploring the Quotes of Albert Einstein!!!

Exploring the Quotes of Albert Einstein!!!

Albert Einstein said that, Everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid which is very powerful statement. 
Deeply understand this then if any other will judge that fish hen there is no problem which simply means that if people judge you then there is no problem and the others are stupid but if that fish judge itself on the base that it can't climb the tree then it is stupid.
 Everyone has own ability, like Albert Einstein has his own ability but if he do a job of Chartered Accountant then he could achieve that success, no doubt he was a genius but he was genius because he do that thing which he was able to do and that was his ability. If fish have to live in water then it can live in water in different ways but Albert Einstein couldn't live in water.
You have to understand that what is your personality type and once if you understand this and act on that then you are genius and not you then everyone is genius.

Albert Einstein said that, Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of mind to think. Why it is said as why facts are not important in education because today the facts or knowledge are available on click of button as in schools it is taught to learn those facts and knowledge but in today's generation these all stuffs are available everywhere, even in our hands and the which is in our hands, it can't be stored in our mind. If you thought the education is about learning the facts and knowledge then your brain is very far from this world as that education is not important. the real education is about how to think as in schools it is taught that how to think because every problem in our life is only can be solved by thinking, not by memory but only by thinking and this is about training of mind to think.

Albert Einstein said that The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. On the base of knowledge you can repeat the thing which happened in past but you can't create anything new if you didn't have imagination. It means that you have to imagine first, then have to use knowledge then it is perfect but if you think only on the base on knowledge to discover anything new then it is impossible. For example there is a bulb and on the basis of bub you can make other bulbs, you can also make factory of bulbs but there was also a time when there was no bulb, then how this bulb come, is with knowledge of thousands years, bulb was created only with imagination as someone thought about it and make that imagination to reality. In facts everything in our surrounding is reality in today but at one time it was only an imagination. When imagination get convert into reality then it becomes knowledge. So it is said that imagination is real intelligence.

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