Hard Work or Smart Work, which Matters!!!

Hard Work or Smart Work, which Matters!!!

We all know about Hard Work and Smart work but many of us didn't know the difference between them. The biggest difference between Smart work and hard work is strategy and it can also be said the difference is planning as if we do work without any planning or strategy then there are very less chances to become successful.

Strategy must be based upon reality, plans based understand the ground level situation and this messes with many people as they made strategy but they didn't understand the ground level situation. Many people make their goal set or make plans and they made strategies for that but they didn't know the actual situation. For example many people makes plan for business then there are two ways one is do anything which they want and other is doing the work by understanding deeply all the things and then you make plan then their is strong possibility that your plan is successful.
Always panning and strategy is based upon reality and clarity, for example if you are in a dark room and their are wires lying on floor in which current is running then your confidence gets low but if you are in lighted room and still wires with current are lying on the floor then you will confident. It means that our all imaginations are a dark for us but once if we understand the reality of work that we do then we get much clarity, confidence and energy as we know that what we are actually doing.
For the work which we are doing we have to find the easiest way for our work which is Smart work. The person who did Smart work there is nothing hard for that person as Smart work actual means that the hardest thing can also be done in simplest way. 
To do Smart work we also have to be lazy. There is nothing bad in this world but it only depends that how we use that thing, for example fire, as it has plus and minus both, if we know how to use fire then it is energy but if we don't then it is danger. Same the laziness is the very unique quality we have but we have to know that how we can use our laziness in our work.

In our life the immediate problem we have, we have to make effort to solve only that problems, this is hard work but if we solve that problems from its roots without any effort then it is Smart work. For example there is a plant and we have to stop it from growing we are cutting its branches which is Hard work but if we cut that plant from its root then it will never grow anymore which is Smart work.
People always fear from that thing which they can't understand but if once we understand the thing which we have to do then we are doing a Smart work and there is no one who can stop us from being a successful person.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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