Comparing Our life with our Life's Reality!!!!

Comparing Our life with our Life's Reality!!!!

In life we have a lot of insecurities like if someone gets ahead of you then you feel jealousy and it happen with everyone. The most common example is you get jealous our feel bad when you saw someone who have more money than you but you are much better than that person. This is called Inferiority Complex but why this happen and What is permanent solution of it???

Basically inferiority complex happen due to comparison as we compare ourselves with other person as look wise comparison, money wise comparison, success wise comparison and we can also say that the root of inferiority complex is comparison. But the question arise that why we always compare ourselves with other persons??? We compare because of happiness as to know that what we have and but other don't have.
But many times it happens that we see the positive qualities of other and only see the negative qualities of ourselves because the everyone tries to show their positive qualities for example we always post our best photo on social media, so for this many also get demotivated. How we can avoid comparison???
There are two phase of comparison one is reality and other is virtual reality and we are surrounded by virtual reality as we are surrounded by social media which is full of virtual reality. Virtual reality comparison become a type of belief in our mind, for example if you saw a horror movie which is virtual and you tries to compare it with reality then it become belief in your mind of fear but when we become able to differentiate the virtual reality with reality then all these beliefs get destroyed and comparison get also destroyed. If you want to see the reality then observe nature not the virtuality.

Now if we talk about comparison based on reality then there some things the should be changed and there are some things that don't need the change for example based upon reality comparison is I'am not good in studies but my sister is intelligent and I also have to bring as many marks as she got, so it is stupidity. You just want to do, what is expect from you or you want to do the right thing. You have to look deeply at yourself may be you are born to become an artist but you are becoming a book worm. Instead of becoming an artist you are competing in wrong race. If you are competing in which that is biggest weakness of your's then your life get destroyed because your focus is not on that work which you are doing but your focus is on that work which you have to do and all your complexities is in your brain. But if you find the solution of all the complexities in your brain then other problems are nothing in front of you. If your brain is full sorted out then their is no problem which can compete you.
The first step of our should have to solve all the complexities of our brain not for other but for ourselves and for this we have to neglect comparisons.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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