Best Advice of 18 to 20 years Old!!!

Best Advice of 18 to 20 years Old!!!

Many times a question arises in the mind of many people, specially at the age between 18 years to 20 years that how can we take every decision as right decision. First thing is that we can't take any wrong decision in our life as every time we take right decision only but later with its results we realise that it was wrong decision. The second thing is that it is not possible that every decision in our life we take is always be right decision.

We see every decision with two aspects one is our decision is right according to us for short time but after some time we realise that it was wrong and the other is our decision is wrong according to us for short time but after much time it gives benefits to us i.e. it is right for long time. for example sometimes you take decisions which give you happiness for short time but after a several period you get regret for it by thing that it was wastage of time and sometimes you take decision with our values which may be wrong for sometime but that decision never let you to regret for lifetime.
90% people do not fail because they think too big and cannot achieve it but they fail because they think very small and achieve it.

We realise our every decision after a long time i.e. you choose your career then you get it after a long time that, the career was best for you or not. This can also be explained by lives of many people and biggest example of this is Google as Google owners had also tried to sell Google in 2000 not for one time but three times, so it was wrong decision for the Google but also a wrong decision for other companies to whom they approach, if the Google sell itself at that time then it was right decision for Google at that time but now today Google is one of the finest company and it proves that it was wrong decision for the owner of Google. So every time we get our decision is right or wrong after a several time.

Inside every person there is a potential about which no one knows about it. At a time we take decision we didn't knows about our potential and in our life at every point we can't understand it as we only think to which we can achieve but we have to think beyond our achievement. A poor person only wants a job but what is its potential, if that person get skills with training then he can also make a car and also a rocket.
We have to leave our comfort zone to move on in our life as if we get more comfortable at a time then it become very hard to leave anything in our future.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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