Why Does Intelligent People do Stupid Things!!!: Brain

Why Does Intelligent People do Stupid Things!!!: Brain

We are not always as smart as we think we are. It is researched that great intelligence, education and expertism actually amplifies the error in our brain.

 There are many people in our surrounding who are very intelligent but do stupids things as they make most simple mistakes that none of average person do. Sometime we also wondered to see that the intelligent person is doing most unintelligent mistake.

Many people thought that they are very intelligent person as what they can do, no one can do that but the reality is that those persons are not very intelligent as they think. Having high IQ doesn't mean we are intelligent as an average IQ tests only shows analytical intelligence which can be increased by doing such problems but instead of analytical intelligent there are two other aspects of human intelligent also which are creative and practical Intelligence. Many of us has also seen that everyone rewarded that person who are intelligent in class but after 20 years of their life why the best and brightest student see failures in their life because their practical and creative intelligence are useless.
The students who are average are better then the intelligent person in the class because those average students have skills toward which no one shows interest but later those skills help them in their life.

Intelligent people take their life in an uneasy way and they do many mistakes in their life because they want to do something big in their life. They do stupid things because they think those stupid things which shows how vast they can think. Mistakes are the part of our life, the difference between intelligent person and a normal person is that the normal person doesn't take their mistakes so seriously and intelligent people learn from their mistakes.

It is human psychology that many people create an illusion in their life that they are best but the reality is that no one is perfect in the world even those who are intelligent and those also who think they are intelligent.
Living in illusion many our life very tough in future so live in reality to do something in your life.

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