Child Labour in the World: World Day Against Child Labour

Child Labour in the World: World Day Against Child Labour

We saw many children in our nearby who are work as labour. Children at the age of 5 also do work as child labour. Is for this they are born ???

Many children of age between 5-17 do work as child labour at many places like garages, construction site, shops and as a servant also. They are at that age in which they have to know about their life, they have to enjoy their life, in the most precious period of their life they are working as a bull. Is this life is good for them. There are many of children also who works unpaid also as many people take advantage of them. They only work for food but there are many people who always takes their advantage. And when these children get maturity then they take advantage of those people which results that they become thief, smuggler and do other illegal work. And this is all due to that they all are work as labour. There are many people who destroy lives of many children by taking work from them as a labour.

So for this day of 12 June is consider as World Day Against Child Labour. This day is only for educating people about child labour as how it impacts our society. There are many children who are even tortured through child labour by giving them more work for some food which also effect the mental condition of those child. It is estimated that there are more than 152 million children who work as child labour and they are also get hazardous work. Many people take work from them for longer hours which is destroying their life. We have to educate for the Child labour any everyone has to came out to rise a voice against Child labour. There are many parents also who forces their children to work as labour only because of some money. They also are responsible for this and those people who took these children on work are also responsible for the destruction of their lives. We have need to stop this.
They are future of the world and we are destroying our future.
Rise your voice against this.

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