Weight Of Entire Internet???? How much Internet Weigh!!!

Weight Of Entire Internet???? How much Internet Weigh!!!

We do many things on internet as internet become a part of our life. Today a smallest things is also present on internet. Internet is becoming very vast as we do many things like Facebook, Whatsapp, and other apps backup or clouds are also present on internet. Apart from this cloud of dark web is also present on internet.

Due to these clouds and backups internet is being heavier. So how much does the internet weighs???
It is found that internet has a weight equal to a fat strawberry as 50 g but how it is possible??? 
If we pay attention on starting then the question arise that how internet is formed??? Internet if made up of electrons and these electrons weigh very less. To make an ordinary E-mail of 50 kb, it takes about 8 billion electrons, it is very huge number but weigh very less. By using these information a man found that the entire internet weighs about 50 g but this is not a present weight of internet as in one there are about 10 million clouds are form on internet. But it should also be false because any authority speaks on this.

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