May 1st or May Day, Labour's day or we can also say that International Worker's Day.
On May 1st many people comes out on street and commemorates the Labour Day. Even many countries declare it as official holiday. On this day people commemorates the past struggles for the worker's rights and child labour also.
Why does Labour's day celebrated???
During the 19th Century the circumstances of the labours or workers are very weak. Unlike today, every worker was forced to work up for 16 hours per day continuously which is very difficult for everyone even today. The rich people enjoys and the poor people do work for all the time and also the wages according to their work was very low.
In 1884 , Federation of Organised Trade and Labour Union of US and Canada decided to do strike against this unfair work and they decided the day, 1st May 1886. In this strike they fought only for the work i.e. they work for only 8 hours per day.
When the day arrives all the worker of the US and Canada went on strike by coming on street protest against it. Around 300,000 and 500,000 people went on strike from both the countries. And only in Chicago there was 40,000 people were on street.
These strike was last long for many days. This strike was non-violent till 3rd May and on 4th may a bomb was thrown by people on police and seven officer were killed.
After that in 1889 the second international organisation of workers and socialists declared that may 1st May would be International Worker's day.
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Why does Labour's day celebrated???
During the 19th Century the circumstances of the labours or workers are very weak. Unlike today, every worker was forced to work up for 16 hours per day continuously which is very difficult for everyone even today. The rich people enjoys and the poor people do work for all the time and also the wages according to their work was very low.

In 1884 , Federation of Organised Trade and Labour Union of US and Canada decided to do strike against this unfair work and they decided the day, 1st May 1886. In this strike they fought only for the work i.e. they work for only 8 hours per day.
When the day arrives all the worker of the US and Canada went on strike by coming on street protest against it. Around 300,000 and 500,000 people went on strike from both the countries. And only in Chicago there was 40,000 people were on street.
These strike was last long for many days. This strike was non-violent till 3rd May and on 4th may a bomb was thrown by people on police and seven officer were killed.
After that in 1889 the second international organisation of workers and socialists declared that may 1st May would be International Worker's day.
Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.