How Much Starvation is Dangerous: Life without Food!!!

How Much Starvation is Dangerous: Life without Food!!!

We do many things daily and our body works for 24x7 whether we are sleeping or we are broken body work. Our body needs power for doing work like this and we get power by eating food.

We all do many types of work in our daily life and we all can do that because of power in our body which we gain from food that we eat. Food gives us many proteins and nutrients which help our body to doing work. 
But What if we can't eat food???
If we can't eat food for 3-4 day we can live normally with much of problems but it is said that if we can't eat food for many days we will die, But is it true??? and How long we can live without food???
There is a time frame given which said that we can live without food for more than 2 months but also if we don't eat food for more than 2 months, we will die and not also. It all depend on our immunity.

But how it is possible???
This is possible because we can't suffer without food. The starvation is much dangerous as it can enforce us to eat alive human and if there is not any alive thing near us, it can also enforce us to eat sand only. We can estimate by this how much starvation is dangerous and how we feel if we don't eat food for days.

This is also a reason that why people every time goes on hunger strike. This is the most dangerous thing in the world. So food is a type of blessing for us. And thanks for the Khalsa Aid team which gives food to all the needy people in the entire world.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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