Completing 1 Mile in 4 minute!!!! Impossible

Completing 1 Mile in 4 minute!!!! Impossible

Many expert were said it is impossible, it is impossible to cover 1 mile in just 4 minutes, i.e. human body is not capable to do so, but he completed. He break the 4 minute barrier.

On 6th May, 1954 Roger Bannister led the expert wrong, by covering 1 mile or 1600 m in just 4 minutes even many experts said that it is impossible. Experts also said that human body is not capable of it but he proves them wrong. Not properly 4 minutes instead he do it in less, he did it in just 3:59.4. He said that he had visualised his achievement it order to create certainty n his mind and body.
After that many tries to cover 1 mile in less than 4 minutes but they failed because they didn't see it as dream, they saw it as they have to break the record. Both the things are similar but vastly different.

Roger Bannister taught us that nothing is impossible as many led him down by saying that it is impossible but he prove them wrong. This is the power of determination.
His achievement is also written in Guinness World Records.

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