Chinese Brands Collecting Private Data!!!

Chinese Brands Collecting Private Data!!!

As we all do many things on our mobile phone and we also do some private work on our mobile phone which we didn't want to share anything from this data. But there are some brand or companies which sending our private data.

 As for every mobile phone user a privacy is at top i.e. we do many things in our mobile phone and many of us also do our banking on our mobile phone but in this if some one stole our private  data from our phone it can effect many things in our life. Same thing is happening in our today life.
One of the biggest mobile phone company Xiaomi which is also known as MI, stole private data of every user and send it to china. The report said that there are many mobile companies of China which send private data to China.

A Cyber security researcher, Gabi Cirlig said that these companies are stealing private data of their users. Actually he was doing work on his Xiaomi mobile phone and suddenly he notice that someone is getting data from his phone and he take a quick action on it. He also do some work on Incognito Mode which is known for highest privacy mode and then he realise that the company is stealing his private data. This issue didn't get in sensation but fotunately he also works in Forbes. And in the blogpost of the Forbes website the full issue is described. 

For the same issue for collecting data and sending it to China a high rating company Huawei was closed. And in this time same condition is set on the Xiaomi. 
Firstly Xiaomi didn't consider it as true but later Xiaomi release a letter in which the said that they will also work on privacy and they didn't give any another chance like this.

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