The Negative thought Attached with Emotions!!!

The Negative thought Attached with Emotions!!!

It happen with many people that when they do something then physically they do that thing but mentally they went to another phase of life and mainly this happen when they realise or remember something bad in past and after that everything seems to be hard as the emotion of sadness came out.

Actually all this thing is a thinking only, this is a type of phase which yo have created in your mind and you went to another phase of life because you allow yourself to do that but in reality nothing is hard, everything is easy even changing your negative thoughts to positive one. Moving to the depth of this thing then not every time it happen with you and if you try to solve it at that time when it happens with you then it is your mistake because at that time everything become complex for you and if you try to solve it then you become more weaken from your inner-self but there are also many moments when you are free from all these thoughts, so that is the exact time when you can solve this problem, you have to invite these thought in your positive time to solve it as when it automatically come then it create a fear in you, fear of sadness so if you invite such thoughts in your positive time then it become more easy to face those thoughts, and by doing this it built up your confidence level to face your problem because at your positive time it seems a little problem for you and after that when these thought come again and raise your sad emotion that you will remember the same thing that the problem is not much big, that you thinking of. This is all about the fear which formed in your mind because of such thought, it is same like in childhood everyone fear from darkness because the thought of ghost in darkness but when you turn lights on then the fear of ghost also gone, so here you have to turn the light on of your dark thoughts.
A scientific research had also done on this which tells about when such thoughts came in mind then according to you, you remember what is happened with you but in actual you only remember what you think last time when such thoughts came in your mind. As if you try to remember all the things happened in your life from your childhood till now then you won't remember what happen with you but you remember that thing which you always remember. It is same like learning a long answer of a question as what you remember in that thing which you always remember and it become a strong thought which get attach with your emotions. This is a type of loop and you have to break this loop in your way.

Stay Tuned With CONCIVISION.

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