The 6 Kgs of Gold was Found with Skeleton, around 2500 Years Old!!! Random Facts

The 6 Kgs of Gold was Found with Skeleton, around 2500 Years Old!!! Random Facts

Do You Know

1. In Stockholm, Sweden there is a very large mobile phone tower which was built in 1887 and at that time, with this tower almost 5500 telephone wires was connected and that connection was covered over the whole city. If this was done over every country then there was less chances that anyone was able to see the sky but this was solved when these wires was undergrounded and later this all scenario was changed by wireless mobile phones. This tower also become a tourist attraction till 1931.

2. There was a man who live in USA, his name was Garry Harrington and on 8 Aug 2012 he was sent into jail for 30 days only because, he stored the rainwater in his private pond and that pond was almost 20 sq. ft in area. But according to the Law in USA of 1925, all water is publicly owned, because of which Garry was arrested and sent to jail for 30 days and he also had to pay fine of $1500.

3. Today everyone is know about Polio, till 1955 its results was very dangerous until its treatment is started. People also get paralysed because of this and in many cases people also died. There was a man who lived in Texas, America , Paul Alexander and he got polio from the age of 6 years and he also got saved with operation but his lungs was not working properly and from that day till know he lives in a capsule of metal which works as lungs for him. He spent his whole life in this capsule but he had courage as he also graduate from the university of Texas.

4. In Bulgaria, a skeleton of human being was found by scientists and with this skeleton, huge amount of gold was also found and it is analysed that this gold is most precious and oldest gold founded. This was founded in 1972 and in 2015 it was also shown to the people in European Union Parliament. The weight of the whole gold is about 6 Kg. According to scientists, this gold is about 25,00 years old and this also contain those things which was used at that time.

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