Keep the Thoughts from Dominating You- Positive and Negative

Keep the Thoughts from Dominating You- Positive and Negative

Many people always thought about positive and negative thoughts which come in their mind and also thought about how can they stop that thoughts to come in their mind as they didn't wan't that those thoughts will come in their mind.

Firstly you have to understand that a thought can never be a positive or negative, the way in which we interpret it, is a negative or positive and it can't be happen that negative thoughts will stop to come in your mind, and only positive thoughts will come. We always fear from negative thoughts and it is because in our mind it is settled that what we think, it will happen and because of this our thoughts are dominating us which is actually nothing. If you will live your life leaving all of the thoughts in your mind, your life become amazing because it is based on understanding, which is neither positive nor negative.
Basically positive thoughts for you are that what you want and negative thoughts for you are that which didn't like but may be the negatives are good for you and positive thoughts not. For example basic thoughts like you thought that you have to clean your home so it is a negative thought for you as no one likes to clean home but it is not a bad thing and if you thought that you should order food then it is a positive thought because no didn't have to any work for that and food is also delicious but it also not good for you. 

Nothing happens by thinking, only with thoughts nothing will happen as if you always think about a tree of money then would it be grow??? A person who is hungry from many days, that person always thought about food in every second, then would that person got food??? There are many people near about us that who always thought that what they think it will happen, as a person who is thinking about red Ferrari and a red Ferrari passes from that person then he will say it happen with his thinking but if he never thought about that then even if red Ferrari from him, he will never notice it. Nothing will happen only by thinking of you, people always fear that if they think that, something wrong will happen with them which is not true. You will never got any money by thinking, you will never got any food by thinking, you will never got anything by thinking but what you want that you will got everything by thinking about that but the the thing matter to achieve something is understanding about that. Thought never give a direction to your life but you understanding give a direction to your life whether it is right or wrong. 
Now the thing is that you can't stop your thoughts to come in your mind, thoughts will always come in your mind whether it is negative or positive but you stop it from dominating you.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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