You can take the financial responsibility of someone like you can take financial responsibility of your family but you can't take responsibility of someone's happiness as happiness is that things for which a person is himself responsible because happiness is an art and when your understanding reach to that level then you can live happy in your life.
There are two points at which you can live happy, one is you are fool or you are unaware of life as for that point happiness for you is your needs and the other point is you are one of intelligent person who have understood the depth of life. The people who are in intermediate of this are stuck in life and in the world mostly people belongs from intermediate who are actually fool but consider them as intelligent.
The person who is really intelligent, never expect anything from other person and only expect to that extent to which other person didn't get hurt. For example expect from a fish that it will live in water is a right thing but if you expect to fly from fish then you are fool. The world is filled up with fools, who didn't even know that in which society they are living, who didn't even know about relationships, who didn't even know about real meaning of life but only thought that he knew everything.
You can fulfil the needs of any person but you can't fulfil the expectations of any single person and you also didn't have to try this because if once you start this game of fulfilling expectations of a person then some point will come when you take your step back, a point that hurts you and other person also as desires never ends and extent of desires always increases. When you starts fulfilling expectations of someone then you are giving a type of comfort zone to that person which means if you are a zone of comfort then other will also not want to leave that zone of comfort and with the moving life the expectations increases and at a point expectations reaches to that point which you can't fulfil. So it is better that when the game will starts you have to stop it there. You always get lose in this game when you get weaken so to stop this game you have be strong not physically but mentally. Many points come in life which also create the life and destroy the life and this is from one of those points. At one point expectations become a psychological blackmailing which depresses you.
When you set a realistic expectations, you avoid hurt and regret.
Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.