Brain is Fastest Processor with 38 Thousand Trillion tasks!! Science Facts

Brain is Fastest Processor with 38 Thousand Trillion tasks!! Science Facts

Do You Know

1. Many people thought that growing older with the age and death is a type of disease, so getting old is not a disease but at this age the chances of having any disease increases and growing old and death is a part of life and nature cycle and with the time body of every person become weak.

2. Many times it happen that when you try to say something then suddenly at the instant of time you forgot it, you even know that you was thinking something but what you didn't know and it happen with every person. This happens because sometime you sent many ideas and suggestions in your mind and mind also store all these ideas and suggestions but when it try to place right information at right place then sometimes it fails to control it.

3. When someone tickle you then you laugh but laughter not come when you tickle yourself and it is also impossible. Actually in our brain there are two types of cortex one is somatosensory cortex which tells about the feeling when someone other touch the body and other is anterior cingulate cortex which create laughter when someone tickles by touching the body part and when you tickle yourself then cerebellum in your brain sent the message to the cortexes before you urge to do that due to which both the cortexes don't do regular work.

4. If brain is turned to the computer then the speed of that computer will process 38 Thousand Trillion tasks in one second and the world's fastest computer only perform 0.02% of it and this tells about that even if human will develop AI system then it can't beat humans in brain. We have the biggest supercomputer but we only need to identify it.

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