This different sight of different people also creates a fight between two person because if two person have opposite sight then they both will try to realise other as wrong. For example you make a strong belief in your mind that being non-vegetarian is wrong but being vegetarian is correct as the person who eat vegetarian food is good and you hate that person who eat non-vegetarian food then unwilling if any non-vegetarian person will come to you then you will start judging that person which is a human nature, even you didn't tell that but your face will define it. This all was started when you hold your thinking very strongly as what you think is correct and at the moment your say you are correct automatically others get wrong who will never match with your thinking. So intelligence is there when you place question mark on your thinking, you may be right, you may be wrong. When arrogance come then it hold your thinking very strongly. How we think, we think with information which we get from our surrounding and we can't think without information but how can you sure that what you think is actually correct, how can you sure that what is right for you is also right for others, do you actually know what is correct??? Firstly you have to understand that every information is limited as what is day for you, it is night for bat so is day is night or night is day, what is the right information as you can't convince any bat that day according to you is a day and night according to you is night and also any bat can't convince you that night according to it is night and day according to it is day. We collect information from our senses due to which we judge between what is right and wrong, but our senses are very limited that we are unable to judge anything from someone's other frame of reference and it also can't be possible. But the basic thing is that what we see from our senses are not actually true as we see sky as blue because of our sense but is actually sky is blue. It doesn't matters that from where that information comes, every information is true as scientist discover that this is smallest particle but after some years smallest particle than that also come so what actually happened that whatever you do, you can;t be sure about anything, senses are limited due to which you can't see the whole of anything, it is just part of something which you can see and other can also see the other part of that thing but you can;t due to which it makes a conflict because you both only know yours own parts.
The person who are strong with their beliefs is actually arrogant and the intelligent is that who accept what that person see. Don't be too serious about what you think it's just a point of view.
Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.