There are 12 brain rules which are given by John J. Medina in his book "Brain Rules" and these rules can improve the strategy of your life and your brain. From these 12 rules 6 rules are in Part 1.
Seventh brain rules is Sleep well think well because sleep helps in thoughts, ideas, memory and relaxation and those who sleep less they being left behind of all these things which make us perfect and also with less sleep negative thoughts come in mind because stress on brain. In a study it was also showed by researchers that if the scientists of NASA take a nap only for 26 minutes then their performance will increase by 34% which is because when we sleep then our mind recall all the things which we have learnt in a day which is one of simplest way to learn something.
Eights brain rule is Stressed brain don't learn the same way; imagine that one of your loved one is sick and you took that person to the hospital for operation and during operation you wait outside the operation theatre and there if someone ask you that can you multiply 242778878 by 2 then even you try it but you you will not be able to do that because at that moment you are in stress. The same thing is said by this rule that when you are in stress then you can't do that thing in the same way in which even your are perfect.
Ninth brain rule is Stimulate more of the senses which tells that the more senses we use in our work, the more we will remember. For example if you are blindfolded and someone place an apple in front of you then you can't identify it because you are blindfolded but you can identify it by smell and taste which means that you use other sense to do the same thing and if you use more senses in a work then you become able to do something more easily.
Tenth brain rule is Vision trump all other senses which tells about that vision is the most dominant sense of human being because vision use 50% of resources of brain which means that we memorise something more when we see pictures or videos instead of listening or speaking.
Eleventh brain rule is Male and female brains are different which tells that the working of the brain of male and female is completely different because X chromosomes of females comes from both parents mother and father but X chromosomes of male comes from mother only due to which females become genetically complex.
12 brain rules is We are powerful and natural explorers which tells that human mind is a curious mind among all the living beings because humans are pre-programmed from birth as children are always very curious to to learn which means that our best learning is done with active learning. Humans do experiment, find procedures, observe the things and come on conclusion.
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