Many times it happens that we feel alone as most commonly which happen that when we live in many people then we feel happy because our surrounding is full but when we start living alone and with someone then we are not happy much than when we live with many people. It is same like when we come from party than we feel some loneliness and sadness but what happen if this loneliness get filled up in your full life???
Loneliness make your life complete sad and also you can't live your full life with people, there are only some moment in which you interact with people but after that you came in your that mode in which you are before. So here you have to learn how to live alone??? because if you din't know that then without your will, your expectation become more, so you have to incorporate some habits in your life which you can also enjoy alone. For example, reading could be one of them as you have some option in your loneliness that when you din't have anything to do , instead of overthinking you can also enjoy in your loneliness. You have to find something that when you do it then you feel happy that could be anything.
If you fear from live alone and when you get alone then that thoughts will also dominate you and your mind get overactive. When you went for walk or do some boring things then you find some things which entertain you even in those boring this like mostly people hear music during gym, walking or running so you also have to find something that entertain you even when you are alone.
It doesn't means that you have make your life depend on other things but it means that you didn't have to make you loneliness dominant on you. You also have to learn how to live in silence because we always feel alone in silence. Mostly when people get alone then they always remember past things which could be happy things and sad things whatever they remember it always make them unhappy because when you remember any sad things which happened with you then you also feel sad and when you remember any happy thing which happened in your past then you also feel sad because in present you are not in that moment and the other thing which people also do in loneliness, they thought about their future which also make sad because you didn't have that thing about which you are thinking. So the reality is that we didn't know about how to life in present?? as we are not aware about what is happening in our present.
Once if we learn that how to live in present, how to live in loneliness then we become able to achieve many things in our life about which which we are not even aware.
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