If there is a Jealousy inside you then how will get successful. There are many of us, who see others success and give excuse for that, for example, you and your friend stated own business and your friend reach to the highest point of the business then according to the average human nature you will give excuse for your's friends success like he had backup, he had support, only to justify your own failure. This is because jealousy. At that point you have to find that what your friend did in the business and what you didn't.
We always compare our failure or others success with luck but the actual thing is that luck doesn't exist or if it exist then you are the luck. There could be million of reasons for failure but there is always only one reason for success and when you focus on the reason of failure then it simply means that you are downgrading yourself, but if you accept your failure and focus on only that one reason for the success then there an jealousy will destroy because at that point you should have only one reason in your life, there will be no excuses in your life.
Whenever you do something bad or jealous of someone or you are knocking someone down to make yourself feel better then you fall down much more than that person but if you praise someone from inside then you will also get successful because about which things you think, you will always focus on that as if you talk about negative things then will also think about negative things but if you talk about positive things then also you will think positive. Any other thing will not affect you whatever it is, your surrounding, the greatest person even nothing will affect you but the thing which will affect you or on you is your mind and thoughts as what you think, you will take action on it.
People always get lost in words and many of people do it, means that we always try to find relation between the things and on this most of people focus to find a relation rather than understand that thing about which you are finding relation. If you create silence in yourself and focus on your mind then you will see that you are surrounded by words but the truth is that there is no connection between words and reality as it is only used to do something in reality. Finding relation and comparing things which is a part of words always confuses but if you understand those things perfectly, then there is no need to relate it with anything else, you and your mind will get it perfectly. There is everything in your hand whether it is good or bad and the choice is yours what you have to choose.
Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.