Changing the Sight from Ourselves to the Sight of World!!!

Changing the Sight from Ourselves to the Sight of World!!!

We should have such quality in us with which we can see our surrounding which other can't see. For example if you are alone and you want to laugh. There are many things around us with which we can do many things which we can't even thought but the thing which we need change is our sight because if you make a small change in your sight then it will affect your life largely. 

We can see our surrounding in different perspective, if we want to be happy then we will see our surrounding happily, if we want to be sad then whoever make us happy, we will fight with that person also and because of this many get hurts you also and other person also. There are many people also who did only those things in their life which they want as if they want to be happy then whether they will make 1000 others people unhappy then will do that thing with which they will feel happy, or if they want to be alone then they will also hurt others to live alone but this type of feeling is not valuable because if you are hurting other people only for your happiness then it is unfair for other life because everyone has a type of trust on someone and they are also many who have a trust on you and if you break their trust on yourself then they will also not come when you need of them. The main thing is that the people who did this is only because as they love yourself only but they didn't know that there are many lives which are connected with them. and if these lives will destroy then there is no meaning of your happiness.
This is all because of sight as people have a sight of living happily but this only can be possible in dreams as in real life no one can live happily, everyone in this world is unhappy somewhere in their life whether that person is richest or poorest but the thing is that they live every moment of their life with others also. Living in ourselves is not a meaning of life but living for others is the meaning of life. Problems come in life and also gone away but you have to care that it will not affect on others on on yourselves also. If you change your sight and see this world no according to you but with the sight of this world then you will find many things in this world to explore. your will find many answers which are still a question for you because life teaches many things for which you have to do only one things changing your sight from yourself to the sight of world.

Stay Tuned With CONICVISION.

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