Do You Know
In America's Florida their is a caste which is made up of big Stones and this caste is made by only one person and that also without any support and this all was made by Edward Leedskalnin.
And all the stones which are used in this castle has weight of 1100 tonnes and this castle is made by only one person and without any machine.
There is a tower in this castle which has weight of 243 tonnes and there is also a map of Florida is made on a stone and a big table is made in the heart shape. Many amazing things are also made in this castle like a clock which work with sunlight and a solar system which is made up of only stones. There is a big half moon in this castle and it has a weight of 30 tonnes and all this is made by hands of one person only.
It is also a wonder that how this man pick up these heavy stones and how he take up these stones so high and also without any machine. He also not have any unique power so that he can do it alone and it is alaos said that he didn't even use rope to make this castle.
Edward complete this castle in 28 years and he take so much time because he only do work in night as firstly he make sure that the other people slept or not because he didn't want to show his technique to other people but also many people said that they had seen him when he did his work and many people also said that he pick up those heavy stone like as the stones are balloon. At that time this news was spread over the world and people ask him how he did this then he replied that he got that technique with which pyramids of Egypt are made.
The stones which are used in this castle are around 16 Km away from the castle which was present in the mountain and Edward take these stones from that mountain.
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