The Addiction of Study is Bad for Us!!!: Good and Bad Addcition

The Addiction of Study is Bad for Us!!!: Good and Bad Addcition

We all have some type of addictions, it should also be bad and also be good, for example many have addiction of smoking and also many people have addiction for education. So we all know that bad addiction is bad but is good addiction is also bad for us??? Is the things we like is actually good for us??

Firstly what is the meaning of good as many people like study is it good as using our mind continuously or good things are only that with which we get charged up. For example many people said if you study continuously for half of hours of our day then it is good for you but is it actually good as we only become book worm with this. There are many people in our surrounding who are very well educated and they also studied for full days but they can't even get a job with that because they only know that theoretically but there are also many people who can't even studied well or have limited education but they are more successful than others. It is not a necessary that who will study more become successful and who study less get unemployed for full life, there are many people who are successful with limited education and that education is valuable.

Actually addiction is holding a belief, get confused in our habitats. There are two type of addiction, one is our habits, for example habit of smoking as with this we get addicted toward that and we can't even left it with our will as it can also destroy us but we can't leave it, the other is our belief which are got settled in our mind like study is good for us, this is a belief which many people holds as there is only way for success which is study. According to this belief you will start act on this like studying for 16 hours of a day. If you are acting on your addiction without thinking about it, then that addiction is bad for you.
Addiction is that thing about which you think it is good but in reality that addiction destroys you and it can also be possible about which you are thinking it is bad is the only way to successful for you.
Good and bad always changes with time as what you think about anything or what people think about you will change in seconds when you cross the path of your success.
All the addiction toward which you are addicted is not formed in you but it is created inside your mind by other people and if you choose these addiction then you are only working as a robot in which the information is only feed which is good and which is bad.
Choose your addiction with your own experiences and if you do that then your addiction should always be good.

Stay Tuned With CONIC VISION.

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