One thing is that emotions are in our control and the other thing is we is in the control of our emotions and this is energy in uncontrolled way as at one second you will get excited and at the other second you will get depressed.
Sometimes it happens that we get more excited and in this excitement we take wrong step i.e. step for our career but when its results come out then we realise that we had taken a wrong step which can also destroy our life. This means we become emotional fool as we can't able to control our emotions. Many things happens in our daily life and we take many decisions in our daily life but is we get excited or depressed for our every decision??? We didn't get excited or depressed for our every decision which means that our emotion not come out by external things but our emotion comes out from our inside and we can also control our emotions. For example you are desired for a car and your desire is very strong and when that can come in front of you then you will get emotional but if you didn't have desire then also you will not get emotional. the other example of your love as when he/she come in front of you then you will get excited but you didn't get excited for any other person.
When this desire get complete then an another type of emotion come in ourselves which is greed and greed is not only related for things but it is also related with humans but when a barrier come in front of you for that greed then another emotion come in ourselves which is jealousy and anger and it results these emotion makes a control on yourself. And all this due to desire in ourselves which should be good for short time but it may also destroy you for long time and all these desires form in ourselves automatically with the surrounding but what will happen if we choose our desires with our choice and planned it ourselves then we wouldn't get confuse in our emotions. We have to mark right desire in our mind for which we have to do work and if we do so then there will no confusion built in our mind and if we planned it well then also there in no chance that we become emotion fool in our life.
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