Country is for everyone and everyone has a right to serve for it but there is a discrimination between women and men in armed forces. There are also many women who are in armed forces which proves women are also capable to serve for their country and women can also occupy the top positions in forces and also can fulfil their job.
According to the National Geographic Magazine, there are only 16 countries in which women can get the job in armed forces in combat position, only 16 whereas there are total 195 countries in the world. Norway, Canada and Denmark was the first countries in which it was allowed that women can also serve in armed forces in 1980's ans slowly it was also allowed in Japan, Germany and China. USA allowed this in 2016. Actually women had also played a very big role in past also, during World Wars as during World War II there was three combat regiments of women in Russia but it is exception because World War was that time in which there was deficiency of men soldiers so it was necessary to take women in the armed forces.
But the question is that why Governments didn't allow women in armed forces??
In every country this question is raised very well but the clarification given by government is like if they allow women in armed forces they it will effect on psychology of armed forces but it is reasonable but many time clarification become very sarcastic like it was said that they are against to allow women in armed forces because of prevailing society norms which means what will people think. Many people also said that it is a fear that if women got position of commanders then men, juniors won't take women seriously who is commander but this is a backward mentality and due to this the progress of women in armed forces is very slow.
Till 1990's women was only allowed in medical roles in armed forces and now if we see all the armed forces in the world then the highest proportion of female officers will seen in Indian Air Force. Even this all there are many term and conditions which are on female officers in armed forces. Female and Male should have equal positions in armed force.
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