This is the power of mind with which we can achieve anything only by thinking about that thing and this trick will work a lot in your life but you have to know only how this power works. You can understand this by an original example, in 1990 a boy was being intensely struggling to become a actor in movies but no one was choosing him as actor. So to feel himself better he make a cheque of $10 Million with the name of a director and take it to his wallet as to feel that he got that amount which was working as a motivation. And this assumption was also changed to reality with time and he got movie for which he got a cheque of $10 Million and also from that director whose name he write on his cheque. The actor who did this was superstar of Hollywood, Jim Carrey and that movie was Dumb and Dumber and this this dream come true only because of positive thinking.
If we focus of this method then we can also change our full life. Actually all this work is done by our sub-conscious mind. We have two minds one is conscious and other is sub-conscious mind, conscious mind is that with which we think and sub-conscious mind is that with which our thinking works but the problem is that we can directly use this mind as it only work for that things which always revolve in our conscious mind. Sub-conscious do better work than conscious mind but it doesn't know that which si good and which is bad.
So we have to think always positive because we think positive then it will set in our sub-conscious mind with which everything happen with us is always positive, whether something happen negative with us but our sight to see it should be positive. We have to train our mind slowly.
This is the simplest way to use power of our mind. Firstly you have to set your goal of which you want to become and the goal which you choose, you have to feel it properly. You doesn't have to think that you will become that with coming time but you have to think that you had achieved your goal. Everything happen with thinking as if you think positive then positive will happen with you but if you think negative then negative will happen with you. you have to believe that you can achieve that goal or you had achieved your goal and it is very important. of course, today you are poor but just do the acting that you have got everything and with this your sub-conscious will start work for your future.
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